Sunday, March 30, 2008

MLB '08 - After the Mitchell Report

Most of my posting lately has been concerned with politics, which I think is understandable considering the importance of primary season and the off seasons of baseball and football, my two favorite sports. I'd thus like to take this opportunity, on the night the MLB season kicks off (last week's games in Japan excepted) to discuss some interesting points to keep an eye out for over the next six months.

This blog is a focus on the competitive issues regarding sports and politics, so I'm not going to get too much into individual stats or games, but rather a larger view of the sport as a whole. If you're interested in more specific information, especially regarding fantasy baseball, check out Bfadds Blog for some great baseball info. Just open him in a new window so you won't lose me ;).

A few things to look out for this year:

1) The fallout of the Mitchell Report - Andy Pettitte seems to have survived his steroid-report inclusion, while buddy Roger Clemens might still be facing prosecution for it. While Clemens' return is a major question mark every year, I think it's fairly safe to say he's pitched his last game, especially when you consider he didn't exactly set the league on fire last year. Now we'll see if the games can take the focus off the steroid issue for a while, or if this year's home run leaders will simply be the subject of more suspicion.

2) Where will Barry Bonds wind up? - His agents have suggested there might be collusion involved in Bonds' failure to get a contract, but I think that's a bit of a stretch. I know chicks dig the long ball, but there can't be much of a market for over-aged, surly, uncooperative hitters who are slowing in the field and are subject to prosecution in the near future. Yeah, Barry, it's a big plot to keep you off the field - it has nothing to do with owners not wanting to pay millions just to get a headache. As per rumors from a few months ago, I think seeing him play for the Rays would be hilarious for a number of reasons.

3) AL Dominance - Will we see any NL teams start to catch up to the AL in terms of playing quality? I'd say, without knowing too much about each team specifically, the Mets, Dodgers, and Diamondbacks have a chance to make some noise this year, and I'm also hearing good things about the Braves (possible) and Cubs (I'll believe it when I see it). I still think the ever-competing Yankees and Red Sox (will this rivalry ever cool again?) and teams like Cleveland and Detroit make the AL much more dangerous.

4) The last year in play for the New York Stadiums. I think most Met fans have a soft spot for Shea, but are happy to let it go. Yankee Stadium will be sorely missed - it's one of the few great, old ballparks. I can't wait to see how much tickets go for for the last game in these places. I only wish the NFL's Jets could have found a way to get something done near the Mets new stadium and come back home to New York ::sigh::

Play Ball!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary Needs More Memory Food

My last post was about perception and how for some things, we need to be able to all come together and agree that there is one meaning. Hillary Clinton seems to have provided one of these moments I was hoping for.

To be fair, I'll start by saying I am not a fan of Hillary. I'm one of those people who amazingly finds it insane that we here in New York randomly allowed her to run for Senate here after she moved to NY only to do so. I don't know, I'll support the people who have been more active and actually know the people they are serving, thank you very much. And I also think as soon as she got into office, all she did was begin an eight year long campaign. Chuck Schumer seems to always be involved in something, or appearing with his constituents, or at least seemingly doing something that relates to his actual job, and I must say I'd much prefer a candidate like that.

Rant aside, Clinton's claim that she entered Bosnia as First Lady under sniper fire and in dire danger, then the release of video that proves she nearly had a welcoming parade on the tarmac, seems to be one of those issues where we just have to look at the situation and understand we are straight up being lied to. It won't happen - too many people will believe that she "misremembered". I say if you misremember every important issue and come up with an excuse for every contradiction you face, it gets to be the boy who cried wolf. Eventually, we need to either believe that someone isn't fit to run the country if he or she can barely remember what they did last week, or that we are being lied to.

Honestly, I get nervous if someone is questioning me about something and I know I did nothing wrong. How politicians (not limited to Hillary) can stand there and spin yarns for stories that go out to millions of people and think that they are going to get away with these tall tales in today's technological age astounds me. It's either blatant stupidity or blatant arrogance, and I don't like either.

Is there any way we can all agree this is a terrible, intentional lie that she should be held accountable for, especially as she criticizes Obama's lack of experience?

Probably not.

But a man can dream, can't he?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Divisions over a Speech on Our Racial Divide

What I find simply amazing is how millions of people can listen to or watch the same speech or event, and each will have their own interpretation.

Something in our human existence allows each one of us to craft our own belief about our experiences, and it makes each individual unique. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, because it's not. It's what has led us to advance throughout our existence, and is what will either save us or doom us in the end. I'm not passing any judgment on it - just noting it's significance.

The reason I bring this up is the response to Barack Obama's recent speech on racism in America, brought about by comments his spiritual adviser and close friend has made in numerous sermons. It's interesting how wide the range of reactions has been. Some, including my professor at Fordham, Paul Levinson, have suggested that the speech was a huge step in race relations , perhaps one day to be ranked with Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream Speech". Others vehemently declare that Obama's refusal to condemn the remarks is proof that he agrees with them, and that this will be his downfall. How can it be both one of the greatest speeches in history and the nail in the coffin of a campaign at the same time?

Human perception is truly amazing.

If you have a moment, take a look at this article from the History News Network. Whether you agree or not for this specific case, I thought it was an inspiring reflection on Obama's decision regarding this pastor, and how, in the grand scheme of things, we need to stop scapegoating others so we can lead better lives.
I'd like to take a moment to continue with the idea of perception in politics, but to step away from the Obama issue. While I was thinking about the statements I made above, I started thinking that while there might not necessarily be a one hundred percent truth in this crazy world of ours, we should be able to come to a consensus on SOME things. Obviously we all have our own biases and personalities that will alter how we understand our world, but we should be able to look at certain things and agree. It reminded me of a line from a Lewis Black comedy routine, when he was talking about this issue of how we can never agree on anything:

"...and there has to come a point where Democrats and Republicans... where we see a piece of footage and we just agree on what the fuck reality is. And the fact is, you cannot show video of a Land Rover running over a cat and then say 'The cat was trying to kill itself. I'm going to need at least 3 days to find the note that he left.'"

You can take a look here if you like

Yeah, it's a comedy routine, I get it. But it made a lot of sense. Certainly we are all going to have different opinions on almost every issue that comes up. But there does come a time when we need to stop allowing our elected officials to spin what's going on into a story that will simply calm us down and work to their benefit. This election has the potential to turn into one of these watershed moments, and we might indeed have the chance to hold our politicians accountable for their past actions, to send a message to anyone newly elected, and to make sure they understand that their promises need to be kept. Using our own perception is one thing - allowing someone else to tell you what to perceive is dangerous. We need to understand what is important for the American public as a whole, and demand it to happen.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's Recent Speech

Forgive me for being so far behind, but I have not yet had the chance to check out the speech Barack Obama gave regarding racism in America and the words of his pastor, the Rev. Wright. It would thus be silly of me to try to give you my views on it, but I read a commentary on it earlier that I thought, if nothing else, was a great piece of writing. Personally, I thought it was worth saving and passing along - let me know what you think:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Immediate Disclosure Softens the Blow

So by now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the story of Barack Obama's minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has, for apparently many years, made speeches and sermons regarding the status of race relations and America's role in the world government that could be seen, at the very least, as in poor taste, but by some as un-American and very racial themselves. Of course, Obama himself has not supported or agreed with any of these comments, and can certainly not be held responsible for the words of another, but it is troubling to many how he could have looked up to someone with these thoughts for so many years, and have described him as a mentor and a close friend.

And I'm sure you have all been kept up to date on the aftermath of the Spitzer affair (pun intended). His successor, David Patterson, admitted yesterday that he and his wife both had extra-marital affairs during a rough patch in their marriage. While this type of admission has certainly been big news in the past, this story seemed to lack a certain pizazz factor.

Personally, in both the cases of Obama and Patterson, I don't think the issues brought to light have much to do with their ability to govern (to be honest, Spitzer's actions only really irritated me due to his blatant hypocrisy and his failure to live up to the highest standard he wanted everyone else to live up to). We've all had rough times in our life, and I think it's unfair to judge us by those we associate with and our past mistakes. We've all had friends or relatives who have done very controversial things, and our association with them shouldn't necessarily harm us if we haven't had any concrete ties to these actions. The problem is that Obama has been waving the issue away for months now, and only once recordings of the speeches became public did he actually try to deal with the issue. Now it just seems like he had something to hide.

Patterson had a similar issue to deal with, but his handling of the situation could make all the difference. In the wake of a sex scandal, he decided to come clean about his past affairs (and his wife) in the interest of full disclosure and being honest with the people of New York. While it might not be the most pleasant ideal for a governor, it made the affairs seem like a mistake by two hurt people, and applied a rational and adult-like light onto the situation, and immediately removed all of the steamy, clandestine and secretive angles the press would have used if they had found the story themselves. Unlike Obama, Patterson dealt with the issue up front, and yes, gave up the slight chance that no one would have ever found out - but immediately countered most of the damage from the admission by doing it on his own terms.

The problem that the vast majority of people face is understanding the fact that politicians, like regular people, sometimes have skeletons hidden in the closet. Maybe it has to do with the fact that we hold our Founding Fathers in such high regard that we expect our politicians to uphold some high moral standard. Of course it's ideal, but if this is the America that allows the common man to rise from nowhere to succeed in life, wouldn't it also stand to reason that the common man's faults would travel with him? Of course. As Patterson showed, it's better to throw the door open and air it out on one's own terms then allow someone to force their way in and create the story on their own.

I think why people get so angry about these issues, especially in these instances, is that each of these people was seen as someone different. Barack Obama was supposed to be a great uniting force among people, and now we find out he has followed a minister with very divisive ideas for decades. Eliot Spitzer was a champion who forced major corporations to follow the rules, but now we see he didn't think they applied to his own behavior. And David Patterson was hailed in the last week for being well respected, someone who could work with any member of government from any party, and now we see he had troubles with his own life. If these men who we had so much hope in can let us down, who can we trust?

The hardest, but most necessary lesson to learn here, is that, like us, politicians have their faults. It's extremely naive to think that Barack Obama is the only Senator with friends who have radical ideas, that Eliot Spitzer is the only governor to have ever hired a prostitute, and that David Patterson is the first official to have an affair. Indeed, without any stats or proof to back me up, I'd say the vast majority of our elected officials could say they're done two out of the three. What we need to do as an educated public is to continue to hold our politicians to a high standard, but to also hold ourselves to them as well - and more importantly, to realize that these are not the true issues at hand.

We cannot continue to allow ourselves to be distracted by non-issues. We might not like that a governor had an affair, or that a congressman made a shady business deal ten years ago. However, we're at an extremely crucial time in our nation's history right now, and we need to focus on the real issues - the economy, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, health care, education, etc. If the neighbor down the street has an affair, does it affect you in any way? No, even if you are interested. But if he's stealing your lawnmower while you're gossiping on the phone, THAT'S a problem. And that's what's happening in America. We're all so focused on the nonsense that our nation, our lifestyle, might be slipping away while we worry about the behavior of our politicians in their personal lives and not in the government offices.

I'm not condoning any of these actions, and I wish we did have someone we could see as a savior figure that would restore morality to our government. I'm just saying that none of them are perfect (not even the Founding Fathers, as history has shown), and that the quicker we come to terms with that, the quicker we can get to the real issues and put this nation back on the right track.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mailing it in to Save a Few Bucks (At Our Democracy's Expense)

Obviously Governor Spitzer's adventures are keeping the media machine busy at the moment, but as it appears there is a ton of information to sort out, I'll refrain from comment until a later time.

What I'd like to make a note of is the increasing support of a mail in re-do of the Florida and Michigan primaries, which absolutely horrifies me. Let's examine the situation step by step:

1) Florida and Michigan moved up their primary dates without the consent of the National Party so they could spend more time in the limelight (bad on the state's end)

2) The DNC told the states last year that this would result in the delegates not counting (bad to not count votes, but they needed to sanction them somehow and try to convince the states to get back in line, so maybe unavoidable)

3) The states declared they didn't care and were going to do what they wanted. To me, this is the biggest issue. Threatened with the votes not counting, what did the Floridian politicians do to save the people they now care about so much? Nothing. They grumped and whined and left it as is, and now everyone has to suffer for it. I really find the states at fault on this one.

That all being said, everyone's vote should count, especially in such a close election (Florida and Michigan wound up winning this round as - surprise - moving the dates up didn't get too much attention until the votes could decide the race, which they could have done at a later date anyway). However, Obama shouldn't be punished for obeying the DNC rules and not campaigning or being on the ballot, and Clinton shouldn't be able to seat these delegates and ignore the set rules. So obviously, something needs to be done.

And the best thing we can come up with is a mail in ballot?

The state governments are complaining that to re-do the primaries in both states would cost a combined $25 million, something they don't think the taxpayers should have to pay for. Great, I'm all for saving the taxpayers money, but all of a sudden this 25 mil is a big issue? We, as taxpayers, get screwed out of a lot more than that on a regular basis. Stadiums for billionaires, pork barrel legislation, increased wages for representatives, pandering to the corporate coalition - we're CONSTANTLY paying taxes for things that we shouldn't be. And now, when it's the vote of the people that matter, we're refusing to shell out a few bucks? In the grand scheme of things, we're dealing with a huge election here, counting votes that could change the nation, and we're squabbling over a few million dollars when we're spending 12 billion a month in Iraq? Heck, in Oklahoma City, the residents approved a one cent sales tax to raise money for stadium upgrades to lure an NBA team. I'd certainly pay a cent to have my vote counted.

But no, to save a few dollars, let's do it by mail. Let's set something up that is ridiculously easy to tamper with. Let's have people filling out someone else's ballot in the comfort of their own kitchen because they can't read the fine print, or hell, are at work when the form arrives in the hands of a spouse with opposing viewpoints. Let's have an election where mail carriers in certain areas with certain ideologies might find a few bucks if they accidentally drop come letters down the sewer. I just see this as a horrible regression back to times when election fraud ran rampant, and it provides an easy out for whichever candidate loses, since they can claim it on tainted votes and an incomplete way of doing things. I'll be honest, I'm sure I'm missing some details that could show how this works, and maybe there is indeed some method that makes this whole idea viable, but I can't even believe this is a discussion. We don't trust any electronic or computer based solution, so mail is our best option? If I'm being obtuse about this, please let me know.

I can see this being a huge disaster, and I'm hoping that a better solution comes along. Maybe, as my professor Paul Levinson suggested, someone with some money to spare could save us all. We could only hope.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Month of Motion and We're in the Same Place

Hey all,

Obviously it's been a long time since I've last posted, and as I started to prepare to write this entry, I was wondering about all of the things that have happened over the last month in both politics and sports - countless primaries, the Roger Clemens hearing, more NFL Spygate stories, John McCain clinching the Republican nomination - and then it occurred to me that in the grand scheme of things, we're largely in the same place we were a month ago!

This isn't to discount the importance of what has happened over the last month; especially concerning the upcoming election, but let's look at things in a broad sense - Obama and Hillary are still virtually tied and the momentum is swinging back and forth like a pendulum, we STILL don't have proof over whether Clemens did steroids (but we saw how partisanship can even be an issue when sports and Congress collide) or whether the Patriots are worthy of their Super Bowl titles, and McCain was the front runner after Super Tuesday anyway. A huge amount of pomp and circumstance (and money spent) just to tread water, wouldn't you say?

I think, in fact, that this stagnation might be part of the problem with our political election process. With campaigns starting earlier and earlier each cycle, it feels like there is a lot of dead time with nothing going on but the candidates spitting on each other. It's obviously beneficial to have more time to learn about each candidate, but really, how much name calling do we need? How many times can I hear Hillary question Obama's experience, and listen to Obama call for change? I GET IT - now let's get on with the show. Now, we have SIX WEEKS before another meaningful primary - I know Pennsylvania wasn't supposed to have an impact, but you think maybe someone should have planned for a close race. Now we are all going to be subject to the same droning on about the issues we've already beaten to death, and frankly, who wouldn't be sick of the whole thing by the time we hit the convention?

On the other hand, while I might be less disgusted with John McCain by the time the general election starts, I do think that his clinching the nomination while the other two continue to fight will actually hurt him, if only because he will be out of the public eye. I think he could ask Rudy about how important public awareness and momentum are in these types of things. So maybe this whole thing is a vicious cycle - the more intrusive your campaign, the more people get aggravated with you, but the less intrusive, the more people forget about you. Which is the lesser of two evils?

I'm about to dive into "Why Americans Hate Politics" by EJ Dionne; a subject I've always been interested in myself. I think the items mentioned above might have something to do with it, but I'll keep you posted on anything interesting from the book. However, the idea that we've spent a month dealing with all of this to no real end certainly makes me aggravated.

Or maybe I'm just trying to run away from my guilt of not posting in a month by blaming the political system. You can be the judge.